Served With Divorce Papers… Now What?
I’ve Been Served With Divorce Papers…Now What? You’ve just been Served With Divorce Papers. You may have been expecting...
Tips For A Successful Child Custody Battle
How Does Texas Law Generally Approach Child Custody? In Texas, the family court prioritizes the child’s best interests when...
Divorce Advice for Dads
Divorce Advice for Dads: Coping With the Stress of Divorce and Child Custody Battles Divorce is one of the...
Successful Co-Parenting is Key for Healthy Relationship After Divorce
Successful Co-Parenting Communication is Key for a Healthy Relationship After Divorce We can’t stress how important Successful Co-Parenting is...
Austin Divorce Lawyer for Men
Austin Divorce Lawyer for Men Are you looking for an Austin divorce lawyer for men? The complex nature of...
Temporary Orders Help Maintain Peace During Divorce
In Austin Temporary Orders Help Maintain Peace During Divorce How do Austin temporary orders help maintain peace? Divorce can...
Austin Protective Orders Attorney
Austin Protective Orders Attorney Everyone Deserves a Safe Home Every evening the TV news tells us our city streets...
Austin Grandparents Rights Lawyer
Austin Grandparents Rights Lawyer Grandparents Rights Grandparents and other family members may feel compelled to take action when a...
Divorce Decree Modification
Divorce Decree Modification Lawyer Austin, TX Divorce Decree Modification Nothing is as certain as change. People divorce and remarry....
Spousal Support Lawyer in Austin
Austin Spousal Support Lawyer Spousal support can be awarded on a temporary or permanent basis. At Newberry Law, P.L.L.C....